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Press Releases

Definition of Press Release: A press release, news release, media release or a press statement or video release is a written or recorded communication directed at members of the news media and other targeted publications. Purpose: To announce something newsworthy. To let the public know of company or organization’s developments. Advantage: Think of a press …

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Brand Visibility

Brand = promise of satisfaction. Visibility = the degree to which something has attracted general attention; prominence. Brand Visibility = Ability of a brand to be found by prospective buyers. Companies do different things to improve visibility of their brands. Examples: Real Estate: Remax reminds of their presence using their giant balloons. Software: Cloud services …

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What’s the difference between Content, Inbound and Social Media Marketing?


Ever wonder what’s the difference between Content, Inbound and Social Media Marketing? Let’s see. Content Marketing – there is content on your website i.e.  regular post, updates, press releases, pages, feeds, announcements, newsletters, bits and bites that are relevant to what you do. They are searchable. When a user or potential client puts something in …

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Trademark Classification in India

The new Trade Marks, 1999 and the Trade Marks Rules, 2002 of India, are in close conformity and consistency with most of the globally recognized and influential trademark conventions and treaties, to promote worldwide business and trade. In India, there are 34 classes for goods and 11 for services. Trademark Classification of Goods Class 1.- …

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Users gravitate toward visuals

In my initial days of working as a technical writer, I was advised not to include screenshots of the proprietary software anywhere in documentation. The rationale was that the images could land into wrong hands and competitors would be able to scoop up the features we were adding to the software. That was 2004. Today, practically …

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