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Confusing Branding

Don't settle for confusing branding

Brand stands for one, or two things. Rarely more than two. It means your customers remember you for a certain kind of product or service. It also means every time they buy from you, they expect a certain experience. This expectation could be a result of a prior purchase from you or because someone told …

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Power of Content Marketing


If there is one thing that you could do to power your business online, what would that be? Add content! That’s right! There is no other method. Think about it: 50 years back, or even 25 years back, brands were built through investment in real estate, huge billboard advertising and of-course word-of-mouth. That isn’t so …

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Set your initial positioning goal

Positioning using Content Marketing

Software and technology companies can have a particularly hard time establishing solid positioning because the offered benefits may resemble that of a competitor. The ideal goal of positioning process is –> to help your target buyers associate a benefit with your solution, product or company. With effort and time, you can claim a position by …

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Wordstream delivers Online Advertising

WordStream is a Google Premier SMB Partner, develops search marketing software, provides managed PPC advertising services, and shares online marketing advice through their blog. Founded in 2007, they seem to have evolved from being a keyword software tool developer to a paid search marketing expertise provider. Their proprietary WordStream platform lives in the cloud delivering customer requests …

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Brand is a promise of satisfaction. Branding is one of the most important aspects of any business, whether it is industrial, in retail or provides services. An effective brand strategy gives you a major edge in increasingly competitive markets. Keep in mind the following points: Start by defining your brand. How you are different from …

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Do you measure Content Marketing?

There is no point spending precious dollars in developing marketing content if you are not going to measure the result. Google Analytics (GA) is one of the best analytical tools available out there for this purpose. Be aware though, GA is a very comprehensive analytics tool, therefore it can be difficult to determine exactly which …

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