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Getting a website vs internet marketing

Today there are so many Do-It-Yourself (DIY) tools available, that you can build a basic medical website in a matter of hours. Real game = generating patient leads The real skill lies in building and promoting a website in such a way that it generates new leads that convert into new business. Doing so requires …

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What’s the difference between Content, Inbound and Social Media Marketing?


Ever wonder what’s the difference between Content, Inbound and Social Media Marketing? Let’s see. Content Marketing – there is content on your website i.e.  regular post, updates, press releases, pages, feeds, announcements, newsletters, bits and bites that are relevant to what you do. They are searchable. When a user or potential client puts something in …

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Web Traffic: What is what?

Here’s a quick list of synonyms and web-traffic associated terms. Type of Traffic You can also say Organic Search Engine, Search Engine Optimization, Google, Bing, Keyword Traffic Paid Digital Advertising, Paid Digital Media, Pay-Per-Click, Display, Remarketing, Native Referral Links, Backlinks, Referring Sites Social Social Network, Social Media, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Tumblr, StumbleUpon Getting people to …

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