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Set your initial positioning goal

Software and technology companies can have a particularly hard time establishing solid positioning because the offered benefits may resemble that of a competitor.

The ideal goal of positioning process is –> to help your target buyers associate a benefit with your solution, product or company. With effort and time, you can claim a position by consistently reminding that benefit to the target audience.

Central idea

Your positioning statement becomes the central idea or theme for all your marketing activities. A positioning statement is a short, declarative sentence that states just one benefit, and addresses your target market’s No. 1 problem.

This short message serves as a recipe for your entire software product’s marketing communication.

Repetition and commitment

Positioning delivers the same message across all marketing media – including web sites, brochures, advertisements and presentations – to investors, industry analysts and prospects. Repetition is one of the most important factors in claiming a position and giving it staying power. Remember, you’ll get tired of your message strategy long before your target audience is tired of it – and sometimes even before all your audiences have heard your positioning for the first time. Be patient and give it a chance to work.


BrandFocal Services

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