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Hiring in-house Marketing Manager or Agency?

Companies, large and small, often have a dilemma. They need to market their brands to grow their reach and find new customers, but they are not sure about which is the best approach. Does it make more sense to hire a marketing manager on your team to handle all aspects of marketing? Or is it …

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Leveraging Website’s Sub-domains

Websites and Portals are getting bigger. Content is all over the place. As a result, it is not always possible to fit into one we template or content management system. More webmasters are using sub-domains to attract new visitors, to keep traffic from getting lost. What is a subdomain really? A subdomain is the part of …

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Power of Content Marketing


If there is one thing that you could do to power your business online, what would that be? Add content! That’s right! There is no other method. Think about it: 50 years back, or even 25 years back, brands were built through investment in real estate, huge billboard advertising and of-course word-of-mouth. That isn’t so …

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Wordstream delivers Online Advertising

WordStream is a Google Premier SMB Partner, develops search marketing software, provides managed PPC advertising services, and shares online marketing advice through their blog. Founded in 2007, they seem to have evolved from being a keyword software tool developer to a paid search marketing expertise provider. Their proprietary WordStream platform lives in the cloud delivering customer requests …

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Do you measure Content Marketing?

There is no point spending precious dollars in developing marketing content if you are not going to measure the result. Google Analytics (GA) is one of the best analytical tools available out there for this purpose. Be aware though, GA is a very comprehensive analytics tool, therefore it can be difficult to determine exactly which …

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Is Content Still King?

Nearly every agency website screams “Content is king.” You go through all stages of content creation. Involve your design, development and editorial teams. No detail is left to chance. As part of your rigorous process of ideas – you even asked your friends to rate the new content, “Is this boring, valuable, inspiring, funny, shareable, etc.” Yes …

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